How to Pass Salesforce Certified Admin 2024 Salesforce Shastras

How to Pass Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam 2024

The Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam 2024 is a prestigious certification that validates your knowledge and skills in Salesforce. Here are the key details: Exam Outline The Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam is designed to test your knowledge and skills in managing Salesforce applications, users, and data, as well as maintaining and customizing Sales Cloud and Service…

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How to Pass Salesforce Certified AI Associate Salesforce Shastras

How to Pass Salesforce Certified AI Associate Exam : 2024

Introduction The Salesforce Certified AI Associate exam equips you with the knowledge and skills to provide informed strategies and guide stakeholder decisions based on Salesforce’s Trusted AI Principles. As you prepare, keep these essential points in mind: Exam Outline Let’s break down the key topics covered in the exam: 1. AI Fundamentals (17%) Understanding AI…

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