How to Create a Star Rating Component in LWC

Lightning Web Components Create a Star Rating Component Salesforce Shastras

Creating an engaging user interface is crucial for any application, and a star rating component is a fantastic way to allow users to provide feedback in a fun and interactive way. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the steps to Create a Star Rating Component in LWC. So, let’s make your app’s feedback experience more delightful!

Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Star Rating Component in LWC

Creating a star rating component involves a few steps – from setting up the LWC environment to writing the actual code for the functionality. Let’s break it down.

To create the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Star Rating component we are going to use External JS.

  • Click here to download js
  • Create a static resource named “fivestar

Creating the LWC Component

Once your environment is ready, it’s time to create the LWC component. Here’s how:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code and create a new LWC component.
  2. Name your component, something like “fiveStarRatingUpdated” to keep it descriptive.


  @description       : 
  @author            : Abhishek Verma
  @group             : 
  @last modified on  : 02-15-2024
  @last modified by  : Abhishek Verma
    <lightning-card  variant="Narrow"  title="Please rate Abhishek Verma">
         <div class="slds-p-horizontal_small" align="center">
            <ul class={starClass}></ul>


import fivestar from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/fivestar';
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
import { loadStyle, loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';

// add constants here
const ERROR_TITLE = 'Error loading five-star';
const ERROR_VARIANT = 'error';
const EDITABLE_CLASS = 'c-rating';
const READ_ONLY_CLASS = 'readonly c-rating';

export default class FiveStarRating extends LightningElement {
  //initialize public readOnly and value properties


  //getter function that returns the correct class depending on if it is readonly
  get starClass() {
    return this.readOnly ? READ_ONLY_CLASS : EDITABLE_CLASS;

  // Render callback to load the script once the component renders.
  renderedCallback() {
    if (this.isRendered) {
    this.isRendered = true;

  //Method to load the 3rd party script and initialize the rating.
  //call the initializeRating function after scripts are loaded
  //display a toast with error message if there is an error loading script
  loadScript() {
      loadScript(this, fivestar + '/rating.js'),
      loadStyle(this, fivestar + '/rating.css')      
    ]).then(() => {
    .catch(error => {
      const toast = new ShowToastEvent({
          title: ERROR_TITLE,
          message: error.message,
          variant: ERROR_VARIANT,

  initializeRating() {
    let domEl = this.template.querySelector('ul');
    let maxRating = 5;
    let self = this;
    let callback = function (rating) {
      self.editedValue = rating;
    this.ratingObj = window.rating(

  // Method to fire event called ratingchange with the following parameter:
  // {detail: { rating: CURRENT_RATING }}); when the user selects a rating
  ratingChanged(rating) {     
    const ratingchangeEvent = new CustomEvent('ratingchange', {
      detail: {
        rating: rating


Congratulations! You’ve now created a fully functional star rating component in LWC. This component not only adds an interactive element to your application but also allows you to gather valuable feedback from your users in a visually appealing manner. Remember, the best way to learn is by doing, so I encourage you to experiment with different styles, animations, or even the number of stars.

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